School Prayer Policy
The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework through which the school expresses its prayer life. All school staff and the Academy Council recognise their responsibility to nurture and support the prayer life of the children and the school community.
We recognise that young children have a natural aptitude for prayer. They are open to God. They respond in joy, wonder, anger, disappointment and elation to the world around them.
The prayer life of the school will be celebrated collectively as well as individually, silently as well as in words, joyfully as well as solemnly.
Prayer is:
- praising and thanking God for the gift of life
- a personal relationship with God
- the raising up of the heart and mind to God
- simply being conscious of the presence of God
- initiated by a God who creatively and persistently encourages a response
- being open and attentive to God
- about fostering community and a sense of being one with others and God
- as much a part of Christian life as eating, sleeping and breathing
- an expression of faithful love