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St. Mary's Horsforth Catholic Voluntary Academy

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Other faiths

An important part of our RE curriculum at St. Mary's is learning about other faiths. In doing so, our pupils show a deep respect for their own personal dignity and that of others, who are made in the image and likeness of God. They demonstrate a deep sense of respect for those of other faiths, religions and none.

To enrich our RE curriculum when learning about other faiths, we plan engaging and meaningful experiences such as visits to other places of worship, workshops in school and welcome visitors of other faiths to school. 

Please see our RE long term plan with other faiths for more information of the learning that takes place.

Year 3 had a wonderful visit to the Synagogue in Autumn term so they can describe a Synagogue with detail using and accuracy using the correct vocabulary.

Year 3 had a wonderful visit to the Mosque in spring term so they can now describe a Mosque using the correct vocabulary.

Other faiths