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St. Mary's Horsforth Catholic Voluntary Academy

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Collective Worship


At St Mary’s, the children and staff provide experiences of prayer and liturgy that are deeply engaging through prayerful silence, response to prayer and liturgy and engagement in communal singing.

Pupils work collaboratively with teachers, other pupils within our school and other pupils across BWCAT to prepare creative, well constructed experiences of prayer and liturgy.

Our children use our collective worship well and can articulate how they use this to think about themselves and the world and how this has inspired them to action.

The children at St Mary’s regularly use the nearby church and Mary Chapel, their prayer areas in class and the prayer garden for prayer and collective worship.

Parents are invited in the prayer life of the school through regular Masses, Class Masses, Family Masses, Rosary Day collective worships and regular updates through the newsletter and diary dates.

Our priests are regular visitors to school as part of worship, special events such as blessing the Advent wreaths and in RE lessons.

Child led collective worship progression document

I like the reflection because we can think about what the reading tells us and how we can relate it to our lives

It makes me feel calm. I get to have time with God.



Collective worship